About Us
META-Health India is about the spiritual tools Dr Anu Mehta used to heal herself. She did not know that this would create light, love, money, and security for herself and others.
"Several Masters and guides stood in my journey, guiding and navigating me to where the light shines, and I found my calling, a calling so solid and authentic that I felt at peace. I transformed myself from pieces to peace." - Dr Anu Mehta.
META-Health for Dr Anu Mehta was a journey of love and light. She learnt many modalities like Reiki, Tarot Cards, Cowrie Reading, Pendulum Dowsing, Neuro Linguistic Program, Lûscher Colour Diagnostics, Family Constellations, Sound Healing, Drawing analysis, Nuerographic Drawings, which she integrated with META-Health.
"These tools have no power to heal without the intension and need to heal oneself" - Dr Anu Mehta.
Dr Anu Mehta realized through her healing journey that we observe our conflicts that lead to our disease at a conscious level, but the wealth of solutions lies in understanding the subconscious level. The use of speech and vocabulary restricts us, as we get caught up in this that we miss the language of the subconscious and our body. We are so busy trying to be perfect that we notice imperfections as failures; natural seeds of Healing lie very deep. Drawing, the language of colours and sound, is an excellent tool for understanding the subconscious language. Family constellations help heal the imbalance in the system that we exist in as individuals.
Dr Anu Mehta is grateful that META-Health India, which she loves calling The Harry Potter School Of Magic, exists today. Dr Anu Believes this achievement had the support of the right kind people at the right time. From Nothing to Creating more than 1000 students who have studied under her guidance over the last ten years. From being the only trainer and Master Trainer in India in Meta-Health to having created three more Master Trainers and two Trainers in META-Health.
It is a significant achievement, yet she feels that there are miles to go before she sleeps, miles to go.
Dr Anu Mehta urges people to please find their conflicts, heal their stresses and walk on the path of being META-Healthy.
"It's easy to give up, but if we can continue to move ahead, despite all the challenges, several doors open up, and solutions stand right in front of us." - Dr Anu Mehta.

Dr Anu Mehta realized through her healing journey that we observe our conflicts that lead to our disease at a conscious level, but the wealth of solutions lies in understanding the subconscious level. The use of speech and vocabulary restricts us, as we get caught up in this that we miss the language of the subconscious and our body. We are so busy trying to be perfect that we notice imperfections as failures; natural seeds of Healing lie very deep. Drawing, the language of colours and sound, is an excellent tool for understanding the subconscious language. Family constellations help heal the imbalance in the system that we exist in as individuals.

Dr Anu Mehta met Karl Dawson and Richard Flook in 2008 in the Czech Republic in East Europe, where she lived.
Karl Dawson helped the wounded six-year-old Dr Anu Mehta heal the wounds of abuse she faced in early childhood and helped her connect with her lost soul with love and light. Other children like her and her generations also healed as she healed herself.
Dr Anu Mehta is today India’s First Master Trainer in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting under EFTMRA
For Dr. Anu Mehta, Richard Flook, her META-Health Master Trainer, has been an inspiration in her life. He reminded her of Captain James Tiberius Kirk, a fictional character in the Star Trek media franchise. She did not miss out on any Star Trek TV Serial as a kid. For her, Richard Flook had magically moved out of the TV screen to make her feel that she was enough to become the First Trainer and then a Master Trainer Of META-Health and Master Trainer for Advanced Clearing Energetics for India. Richard Flook had made her feel that her clipped wings were suddenly gaining strength and growth, and now She Could and Will.
Richard Fook also introduced her to the world of NES-Health.

Dr. Kwesi Anan Odum inspired Dr Anu Mehta to understand that authenticity is a value which is an essential ingredient required to heal the past and the present so that we can live the future we desire. To shine brightly and to allow yourself to see beyond the illusions of greed and Maya is a trustworthy source of love and light. He made her see that education is wisdom when we transform ourselves by learning what makes us feel authentic. It is not collecting accolades but letting go of what our soul needs to let go off so that we can shine in our light as beautiful beings. He opened her eyes to the world of possibilities by showing me the path of diagnosing and healing psychology and biology with colours and Tarot cards. Dr Anu Mehta is presently studying Genius Report with him.
Penny Croal has been a navigator in Dr. Anu Mehta’s life; without her presence, she could not have bridged the gap between education and execution.
Dr. Anu Mehta spoke to Penny in 2010. Penny was visiting Goa, India; for the first time, she called Anu to request her to help with her Emotional Freedom Technique, Matrix Reimprinting and META-Health Workshop in Mumbai. Dr. Anu Mehta explains that she had never dreamt of organizing a workshop or even booked a hotel for the same. This experience with Penny laid a foundation for various teachers from the West to come to the East. She hosted Richard Flook, Dr. Kwesi Anan Odum, Rob Van Overbruggen, Cyril Bourke, Rose Hayman, Dr. Bader, Jasmina Kovacev, Robert Waghmare and many other international speakers in India.
Penny, on this ver visit, also suggested that Anu can travel to Estonia to attend the META-Health Conference. Dr. Anu Mehta had never travelled alone till then abroad. Travelling To Estonia opened massive gates of possibilities for Dr. Anu Mehta.
Dr. Anu Mehta travelled extensively to various parts of the globe to study, deliver and attend workshops.

Rob Van Overbruggen has helped Dr Anu Mehta with many life learning. Dr Anu Mehta talked about a complicated situation during The 8th META-Health Conference in Mumbai, India, wherein some participants felt that Dr Anu Mehta had charged them unfairly.
Rob Van Overbruggen helped her by making her understand the value of her time and energy, and he explained to her how she could, with love and consistency, put forth her point of view. Rob Van Overbruggen made her realize that her conditioning was still coming in the way of her personal growth. Dr Anu Mehta still viewed herself as a sparrow and needed to understand that her wings were now as strong as an eagle’s, and she could allow herself to soar high.
"We as humans get caged by our conditioning, beliefs and perceptions, for our soul to feel healthy we need to expand our boundaries and set ourselves free from self-judgement." - Dr Anu Mehta.
Jens Zygar not only encouraged Dr Anu Mehta to connect with the sound of the instruments but also with the sound of her heart and her breath. Our voice carries our emotions; our agent can be healing or can be full of suspended negative emotions; we need to be empty vessels to create Healing Prana or Chi.
"Every step of the way, I felt guided, loved and inspired by my gurus, who were my soul mates to let go and set my soul free" - Dr Anu Mehta.