Trainings We Provide

EFT Training Courses

  • Both the EFT training courses and Matrix Reimprinting courses are to the practitioner level but are open to everybody. Many people learn these amazing techniques for self-help, to work with friends and family as well as to use with clients. No previous experience or knowledge is necessary.
  • How to Book for EFT Course Level 1 and Level 2 Combined Practitioner Training in Mumbai, India.
  • Certified by the EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy (EFTMRA)
    With EFT DR Anu Mehta
  • EFT- Course Level 1 and Level 2 Combined Practitioner Training in Mumbai, India.
    For more information on the courses call +91 9930898116

How to Become a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner?

These are the steps that you need to take to qualify.
Step 1
Attend a 3-day EFT Practitioner Course / Introduction to Matrix Reimprinting course or have extensive previous EFT experience (details of pre-qualification for the Matrix Reimprinting practitioner training below)
Step 2
Attend a 4-day Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Training in India. India is gifted with many languages so, we have 4- a day practitioner Training course in India
Step 3
Having attended the 2-day training practitioners trainees need to register on website (top right-hand corner of the home page) having gone through the process and paid the £99 registration fee you are then able to log in to the website. On doing so you will see a new category appear ‘Video Training’ on the top blue bar, here you will find approx 15 hours of required viewing videos
Step 4
Having watched the videos there is an online Matrix Reimprinting test to take to complete your practitioner status. Having completed this exam (pass 40/50) you will be emailed a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner certificate

Already qualified and/or experienced in using EFT?

If you are qualified or experienced in using EFT, you do not need to attend an introductory course and you can go straight to step 2, and attend the 2-day Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Training.
We consider you qualified and experienced in EFT if you are:
AMT EFT Level 2
EFT Universe Level 2 workshop
Completion of Gary Craig’s basic certification and above
Alternatively, if you have extensively studied Gary Craig’s full DVD Library (120 hours) and understand all the concepts such as the Points, chasing the pain, the gentle techniques, the movie technique, aspects, testing, SUD and VOC levels, accessing memories etc.
For more information on Matrix Reimprinting Practitioners and training courses worldwide, DVD sets and the book please visit