Colour Psychology And Art Therapy
Colour Psychology
Colours are the mother tongue of our subconscious mind. Dr Anu Mehta studied under the guidence of Dr Kwesi Anan odum in Lüscher Colour Dianostics in 2014, in Egypt. The Journey of colours changed the way she understood DIS-Ease.
Human Beings live in a world surrounded by colours. Since the nineteen Century, we have created expensive and limited Organic dyes and pigments for royalties. Purple, a royal colour used by Roman Emperor, was derived by killing thousands of snails. Today we use synthetic shades of every hue and intensity for various purposes. The natural colours of nature have profoundly impacted our physiology and Psychology; thus, we must understand colours which can help us reduce stress and increase productivity.
Humans get influenced by light, day, darkness, and night. Night and dark colours induced sleep, rest, passive behaviour and slowing of body metabolic rate; Day and light colours activated people to take action, work, and increase body metabolic rate. A primitive man hunted, attacked, defended, conquered and acquired the light to protect themselves.

Glimpses of water colour meditation
The meaning of Colours has a universal language which is independent of race, sex, or social environment. Research shows that exposure to pure red colour excites our nervous system and raises the heart rate and blood pressure, and initiates the Sympathetic Nervous System. Similarly, the dark blue colour subdues our nervous system, decreases the heart rate and blood pressure and activates Parasympathetic Nervous System. The selection and rejection of specific colours reflect the client’s present state of mind.
Lüscher Colour Test
Mental health professionals use Lüscher Colour Test to understand their clients’ conscious and unconscious characteristics and motivations.
In this test, colours get selected just as colours, without mental judgment regarding suitability for dress material, furnishing or upholstery. The full text consists of 73 colour patches, 25 hues and shades and requires 43 selections. Interpretation of the entire test involves training, and the preliminary test is called ‘ Eight-Colour-Panel.’
Help Talk Videos & Training Activities
Connecting Drawings & Luscher Colour Test With Health Problems By Ms Anu Mehta HELP Talks Video
Lusher Colour Test With Health Problems Part – ll By Ms Anu Mehta HELP Talks Video
Mystery Mix of META-Health and Luscher Color System By Ms Anu Mehta HELP Talks Video
Lusher Colour Test Part – III: Colours of Fatness By Ms Anu Mehta HELP Talks Video
Art Work and Art Therapy
‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’
Albert Einstein
Art is a symbolic representation of who we are, how we interact, and how we understand our larger environment. It is a robust tool for understanding individual subconscious suffering and wounds. Our clients’ words, language, stories, and artwork aid empathic understanding and encourage conflict resolution.
Dr Anu Mehta believes in the hidden potential of us humans wherein we can fully express our cognitive ability and analytical thought through our imagination, intuition, deepest desires, aspirations and creative impulses.

She encourages those who have never painted, sketched, or modelled to discover their creative ability and enter a world of freedom. She believes words sometimes cannot express our subconscious mind. Dr Anu Mehta wants her clients to expand their boundaries, discover liberation and experience the transformative process by letting go of their limited perceptions of reality.
She has found that every drawing and colour selection has a significant meaning which helps her to help her client discover the undiscovered side of the disease. She uses Art work to diagnose the subconscious sense in the drawing relating to the health diagnoses of her client.
She also uses artwork as a therapeutic tool to resolve internal conflicts in a fun way.
Meditation to resolve generational issues with Water Colour.
Mixed Media drawing to express oneself.
- Story Telling and Art
- Play dough moulding
- Use of Air-Dry-Clay.
- Use of projective Drawings
- Analysis of Self Drawing, Family drawing and a landscape
- Sandplay
She has had an opportunity to connect with Dr Bernie S. Siegel, who presented at a META-Health Conference. Bernie S. Siegel is a successful surgeon who took a class from Elisabeth Kübler-Ross that focused on crayon drawing for healing, especially with patients facing a life-threatening disease. Siegel incorporated into his practice these techniques — many of which were laughed at by others in the medical community. “Dr Bernie” discovered and shared that while patients might need antibiotics, surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, their bodies also want to heal. Dr Bernie uses drawings to understand the subconscious. Prosperity. Siegel showed how to interpret drawings to help with everything from understanding why we are sick to making treatment decisions and communicating with loved ones at the META-Health conference in 2010 in Estonia and again in Hawaii in the U.S.A. Meta-Health Conference. All those facing ill health, and those caring for them, personally and professionally, will welcome the hands-on, patient-proven practices offered here.
Dr Anu Mehta explored her clients’ drawings to understand that unconscious language and attempted to decode the subconscious patterns of the human psyche and the disease.
Dr Anu Mehta wrote an article on ‘How META Health can use Artwork and colours to identify a person’s state of mind and suicidal tendencies. META-Health analyses crayon drawings of a cancer patient who committed suicide.
The Article published in Bliss Equity Lifestyle Lounge Magazine – Mystery of Birth-Marks by Dr Anu Mehta – May 2017 also talks about how artwork analysis to identify and heal emotional conflicts of the client.
Neurographica® art
Russian psychologist Pavel Piskarev created neurographica® art in 2014. He used this art form to transform his stress and fear into a beautiful work and to link the conscience with the subconscious.
This Artwork has two rules
1. They are conscious in thought and do not follow a repeated pattern/design.
2. They should begin and end on the edge of the paper.
Dr Anu Mehta is training with Alina Smolyansky and Christa Krahnert and has got certified in creating nuerotree and nuerorain.
Dr Anu Mehta uses this art as a therapeutic tool to eliminate anger and other negative emotions.