EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

What is EFT?
The full form of EFT is the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a tapping technique, like acupuncture, which helps to balance the energy meridians and transforms emotional and physical blockages into learnings, thus allowing the free flow of energy in the meridians.
Our physical health and mental well-being are directly interconnected. Our perceptions are coloured by the beliefs and values that we inherit from our environment. EFT is an emotional healing technique which is capable of relieving many physical and psychological symptoms at a subconscious level
What are the benefits of EFT?
- EFT is effective in a variety of issues including:
- Addictions, cravings, obsessions and compulsions
- Allergies
- Anger, anxiety and Panic attacks
- Depression and sadness
- Fears and Phobias
- Grief and loss
- Guilt
- Sleep disturbances and insomnia
- Negative memories
- Pain and symptom management
- Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder
- Abuse
What are the benefits of EFT?
- EFT is effective in a variety of issues including:
- Addictions, cravings, obsessions and compulsions
- Allergies
- Anger, anxiety and Panic attacks
- Depression and sadness
- Fears and Phobias
- Grief and loss
- Guilt
- Sleep disturbances and insomnia
- Negative memories
- Pain and symptom management
- Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder
- Abuse
Affiliated to EFTMRA (U.K) Academy

What are the benefits of EFT?
- EFT is effective in a variety of issues including:
- Addictions, cravings, obsessions and compulsions
- Allergies
- Anger, anxiety and Panic attacks
- Depression and sadness
- Fears and Phobias
- Grief and loss
- Guilt
- Sleep disturbances and insomnia
- Negative memories
- Pain and symptom management
- Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder
- Abuse
What is Matrix Reimprinting?
Karl Dawson created Matrix Reimprinting (MR) a new EFT technique variation based on the modern theory of quantum physics which helps to effectively change our relationship to our past and aids us in transforming our physical and emotional health.
Quantum physicists explain that everything around us and we are connected by a unified energy field, and is made up of energy. This field or matrix connects us to our past and also holds specific traumas and stressful life experiences thus influencing our every thought pattern, behaviour and action
This energy field was referred to as the ‘Matrix’ by Max Planck in 1944, ‘The Field’ by Lynne McTaggart, the ‘Divine Matrix,’ by Greg Braden and ‘Morphic Fields’ by Rupert Sheldrake.
Modern psychology, psychotherapist or psychologist explain that when we are traumatized, a part of us splits off or disassociates from us to protect us from the trauma, and thus, we often don’t remember a traumatic event after it has taken place. This disassociated part in Karl Dawson’s experience is also held in the matrix in form of not just as a memory but as a specific energy body called Energy Consciousness Holograms or ECHOs by Karl Dawson.
With help of the Matrix Reimprinting technique, we can work directly with these ECHOs, resolving the negative energetic charge around them. This work changes our relationship with our past and affects our emotional and physical health in the present.
As we always begin with a ‘Movie Technique’ from traditional EFT, the Matrix Reimprinting technique helps us to enhance traditional EFT. It transforms the old memory still holding some negative emotional charge for you.
With the Matrix Reimprinting technique, you can stop the movie at any point, and interact with the ECHO of your younger self in that memory. You can imagine stepping into the picture and tapping on your ECHO using the EFT protocol (whilst physically tapping on yourself in the present), and entering into a dialogue with them, eliciting information from that particular trauma. The ECHO you are interacting with has been holding onto the trauma for you, to keep you protected, so you can thank them for doing so. You can give your ECHO new tools or resources and allow them to express themselves differently in the situation. After the emotional intensity has resolved you can then imagine taking your ECHO to a safe and comfortable place of their choosing such as the beach or a sunny field, allowing them to experience new and positive emotions in the situation.
Our memory holds our trauma in form of pictures. When we resolve our trauma with MR, not only do we resolve the trauma but also create new pictures in our memory which have a positive impact on our physical and mental health.

Modern psychology, psychotherapist or psychologist explain that when we are traumatized, a part of us splits off or disassociates from us to protect us from the trauma, and thus, we often don’t remember a traumatic event after it has taken place. This disassociated part in Karl Dawson’s experience is also held in the matrix in form of not just as a memory but as a specific energy body called Energy Consciousness Holograms or ECHOs by Karl Dawson.
With help of the Matrix Reimprinting technique, we can work directly with these ECHOs, resolving the negative energetic charge around them. This work changes our relationship with our past and affects our emotional and physical health in the present.
As we always begin with a ‘Movie Technique’ from traditional EFT, the Matrix Reimprinting technique helps us to enhance traditional EFT. It transforms the old memory still holding some negative emotional charge for you.
With the Matrix Reimprinting technique, you can stop the movie at any point, and interact with the ECHO of your younger self in that memory. You can imagine stepping into the picture and tapping on your ECHO using the EFT protocol (whilst physically tapping on yourself in the present), and entering into a dialogue with them, eliciting information from that particular trauma. The ECHO you are interacting with has been holding onto the trauma for you, to keep you protected, so you can thank them for doing so. You can give your ECHO new tools or resources and allow them to express themselves differently in the situation. After the emotional intensity has resolved you can then imagine taking your ECHO to a safe and comfortable place of their choosing such as the beach or a sunny field, allowing them to experience new and positive emotions in the situation.
Our memory holds our trauma in form of pictures. When we resolve our trauma with MR, not only do we resolve the trauma but also create new pictures in our memory which have a positive impact on our physical and mental health.
Benefits of Matrix Reimprinting include:
- It is a simple, gentle, quick and easy technique which helps to resolve the trauma.
- This technique locates the core issues and associated traumas and beliefs.
- It helps us to pinpoint the pre-conscious trauma before the age of six that clients are unaware of.
- This process allows client-driven reframes and cognitive shifts thus preventing therapist projection.
- It fills the EFT void and creates positive beliefs
- We can work easily with dissociated clients and non-visual clients
- Helps to find psychological reversal and secondary gains
- Past events are transformed into wisdom and forgiveness
- Helps to send messages to our body that trauma is over.
- It helps the client with resources to rewrite the past and create an empowering future.
- Naturally utilising the law of attraction is a very powerful way.
HELP TALK : Matrix Reimprinting for Pains and Aches by Dr. Anu Mehta
Matrix Reimprinting with Karl Dawson, EFT Master
Anu Mehta At Zambala ,Goa , META -Health and EFT