
NES Health is the leader in bioenergetics:

NES Health includes studying, detecting, and correcting energy in living systems. They spent decades mapping out the energy and communication systems of the body. These are called the human body field, which acts as a control system for the body’s physical activity.
When this field is underpowered or distorted, it cannot run the body optimally, and the body’s cells and systems may begin to fail. Symptoms often start with simply feeling tired, but they can continue into just about any known health problem. When we improve the function of the body field, and we combine this with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring the body to health.

The NES Health system involves three steps:

1) Assess the Body-Field – I use their scanning technology to give you a holistic wellness report in seconds. While this isn’t a medical assessment, the scan’s bioenergetic matching process often shows a solid correlation to known health concerns. But more importantly, this approach looks for the underlying problem so we can address health concerns from their roots with their bioenergetic solutions.

If you prefer, you can choose to buy a scanner for yourself and scan from the comfort of your own home.

2) Unblock and Rejuvenate – If we work together in person, my service includes using the exciting NES miHealth device. This unique device uses PEMF technology with NES Health’s proprietary field correction signals. We can also work “on body” with innovative bioelectric stimulation that uses real-time biofeedback to give your body exactly what it needs. NES miHealth can yield a lot of fast results. We also use it to clear away energy blocks and begin to rejuvenate your energy field before you ever leave the office.

3) Restore Correct Information – Finally, I provide you with liquid remedies called Infoceuticals. This help optimizes the body-field’s energy levels and information flow so that proper communication occurs. A healthy body is all about energy and communication.
These remedies have helped thousands of people worldwide, and they are simple to take by putting some drops into water and drinking the water.
