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EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

EFT & Matrix Reimprinting

The full form of EFT is the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is a tapping technique, like acupuncture, which helps to balance the energy meridians and transforms emotional and physical blockages into learnings, thus allowing the free flow of energy in the meridians.

Tapping Points

In EFT a problem is decided and then the tapping points or energy centres of the body are tapped while keeping the focus on the problem and activating the meridians while tapping. There is a tapping point right at the centre of the top of the head, at the beginning of the brow, on the outside corner of the eye, under the eye an inch below the pupil, between the nose and the upper lip, at the mid-point of the chin, at the beginning of the collarbone, and under the arm (armpit) at the side of the body, and many other tapping points. Using two or more fingertips these points are tapped, and all of these also have twin points on the other side of the body which can or cannot be tapped simultaneously. 

Benefits of EFT

EFT tapping has multiple benefits to health and wellbeing. it helps in restoring the balance of energy levels in the body. It can help in relieving physical pain by signalling the brain to work on the affected area in turn healing the area. It also releases you of mental and emotional distress. It improves physiological symptoms like immune function, the heart rate, blood pressure, the levels of cortisol and other hormones. It helps in releasing the body of pain, stress, anxiety, depression. It helps in increasing happiness and also encourages emotional and physical wellbeing.

Matrix Reimprinting It is a technique that connects people with their past traumas and core beliefs and elegantly enables them to transform them into supportive platforms for their lives.

What is a matrix?

The matrix is an invisible network which connects all individuals. It is a network of energies. It can start from the very personal level, and can extend to the family, society, culture, or even the environment. It is a universal field of energy which binds and connects all individuals. All these layers are interconnected and they influence the beliefs you hold. The personal layer consists of the memories which are stored in the unconscious, and since it is part of the overall inter-connected matrix it has an influence on every other layer of the matrix. 


Our traumatic experiences cause disassociation and these disassociated parts are Energetic Consciousness Holograms (ECHOs) which are suspended in the matrix. They are our younger real disassociated selves. These ECHOs protect and safeguard us from the feeling of the trauma we have undergone. With Matix reimprinting we work with the ECHO, the actual client, helping the ECHO to get new resources and understandings. It redefines the relationship associated with the trauma and attaches a more positive and supporting picture to the trauma in the matrix, in turn enabling us to attract more positive experiences in life. 

Trauma and Beliefs:

Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced Emotional Freedom technique which connects us with our past trauma and the core beliefs carried by the ECHOs. A trauma is a shock or upsetting event which has been causing us distress. Our beliefs on the other hand comprise of our perceptions about ourselves and others, they define how we engage and interact with ourselves and the world around us. Beliefs about past events have the power to shape our present by defining the way in which we engage with the present. Through Matrix reimprinting we can discharge our trauma and reshape our core beliefs which in turn allow us to engage fully in the present.


Imprinting is when you learn something from a situation, store it in the memory and then create a belief about it. The beliefs about experiences and situations are stored in the unconscious mind or the CPU of the mind. Reimprinting is rewriting or recoding a past event so that that event does not have a lasting effect on the present life. You communicate with the ECHOs holding the past trauma or belief to get a new understanding of the past trauma. This understanding or learning allows the ECHO to create new positive and supportive associations, opening more choices and opportunities.

Date: 20th July to 22nd July (EFT Level 1 7 Level 2)

Date: 23rd July to 26th July (4 Days Of Matrix Reimprinting)

Integral Sound Facilitator Training

Integral Sound Facilitator Training

Jens Zygar is a renowned musician and teacher trainer for gongs and sound healing techniques. He founded the first sound healing research centre, Klanghaus. He has been researching and exploring the vibrational effect of gongs on the body, mind and spirit. He encountered with Suisse physicist Hans Cousto, who calculated the frequencies of the planets, profoundly influenced his visionary work and he became an expert in the cosmic octave and the science of order frequencies of nature. Jens developed a range of planetary gongs with Paiste and has also created gong lines with other companies.

Jens has worked as a trainer and teacher across the globe for gongs and sound healing techniques. He has inspired numerous students globally. His individually designed master classes utilize sound to accomplish personal and collective growth. 

The integral sound facilitator training inspires / helps / supports sound practitioners to enhance their spectrum of intuitive sound music skills in theory and practice. The training is suitable for newcomers as well, it permits them to explore an entirely new field of holistic preventative health culture.

The workshop will be from 30th November 2024 to 4th December 2024.

During the course of the workshop, an integral focus will be put on individual healing or collecting healing based on what the time permits. Each of the topics of the workshop compliment each other where each of them also has its own individual importance.

The participants of this transformational workshop will be guided through an individual sound healing transformation process from the perspectives of the integral sound work.

The participants will map their visions and inspirations at the start of the workshop and then work towards their own personal evolution, while learning the strategies and applications of sound healing technique.

The participants will get practical and useful advice on how to handle sound music instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, trigongs, oblongs, shamanic frame drums, rattles, hardpans, tongue drums and other creative sound tools. 

The workshop will create an intimate atmosphere which will foster holistic healing using sound. The learning in the workshop will be beyond all conventional dogmas, it will be an experience beyond expectations.

The certificate which will be received at the end of the 5-day workshop will be sanctioned by Klanghaus Media. It will make you an Integral Sound Practitioner.

The integral sound facilitator training inspires / helps / supports already activated sound practitioners to enhance their spectrum of intuitive sound music skills in theory and practice. The training is as well suitable for „newbies“ who feel that there is a new field of holistic activity waiting for them as well as for already professional acting personalities in the area of preventative health culture. 

During the intense trainings; depending on the possible timeframe, the teachings and coaching either focus on the individual healing or the collective healing. Both units / topics are complementing each other, but they as well stand for them selves.

The participants of this transformational workshop will be guided through individual sound healing transformation process from the perspectives of the integral sound work.

We will looks at the personal path of our own evolution and we will find out, how the various strategies of the integral sound music an support our way dealing

The participants will get very practical and useful advises of how to handle sound music instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, trigongs, oblongs, shamanic frame drums, rattles, hardpans, tongue drums and even  and any more creative sound tools. 

An intimate atmosphere of sharing and being with each the participants create an energy field of anticipation and awareness beyond fundamental dogmas.

Curriculum of a 5 days training of integral gong & sound healing music masterclass training with Jens Zygar

Day 1/5
9:00 – 10:30 
presentation of the participants, sharing of their status quo and their visions and wishes regarding their career, intention, motivation of taking part on this masterclass of integral gong & sound healing training.
Please be ready to answer the following questions

„What is Your purpose, your wish, your aim?“

tea time

Singing bowl & playing techniques, 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m

Singing bowls are the primary instruments of any sound work.

Craft basics of the primary instrument of integral sound work.

Hear, feel, sense, play, act. Follow up, corrections, feedback, strategies of organic handlings.

Get to know the new style of spiritual wellness activity: „Singing bowl dancing!“

Sound massage, 3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m

Individual treatment and in a group. 

Practicing and experiencing attention, awareness imagination and creative dialogues in harmony with one’s own intuition and inspiration focusing on the receiving person. Strategic working approaches in integral sound massage for everyday life and work.

Day 2/5

Gong & playing techniques, 
09:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m

Frontal lessons: Gong history, German gongs, 

presentation of the gongs at playing stations, presentation of playing techniques, biographical information, gong consecration.

Gong training, 3:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m

Playing unit through the stations with different mallets, one-handed, two-handed, tremolo, explanations of essential things as required, questions and answers.

First introduction to the perspective and potential of a sound healing circle.

Day 3/5
„From silence to sound and back to silence. 9:00am – 10:30
Activating the upmost important instrument of any sound music healing activities! Discovering the Yoga of Sound.
Conquer the basic protocols:
Exploring and enjoying the power of the fundamentals.

11:00 – 13:30

The importance of the shamanic drum & rattle sealers providing the heart beat to any sound healing moment; techniques and strategies of playing, 

16:30 – 18:00

Further Sound Healing Circle activities

Individual sound healing transformation.

Day 4/5
Sharing, Q.-A.s, orientation,
 9:00 am – 10:30 am

The Cosmic Octave 11:00 am – 12:30 am

Introducing the Cosmic Octave, the science of the order frequencies, the scientific background and perspectives of the sound healing culture.
Keynote – presentation.

Tuning fork sound therapy 14:30 pm – 16:00 pm
Introducing Phonophorese and basic protocols, tuning forks and their role a a central tool in sound healing; understanding the most effective song healing technique fro yourself and for the benefit of others. 

Sound Massage Experience 04:30 pm – 06:30 pm
Individual sound massage, strategies of professional effective sound healing, one two ones with all participants

Day 5/5

more gong techniques 9:00 am  – 10:30 am
Playing with two mallets, understanding the physics of gongs, practice:

Tea time

Sound healing circles; 11:00 am – 12:30 am
experiences, acting, coaching, feedback, more details.

lunch break 01:30 pm – 02:30 pm

Topics on request 02:30 pm – 04:00 pm
professional adjustments, according to the needs of the participants.

Tea time

Finale sound meditation ceremony 04:30 pm – 18:00 pm
ceremony of certificates, group foto.

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